How the Pandemic is Changing the way we Consume art; Profile Gallery Spotlight Showcase.

Words by Edsard Driessen

Coming up to nearly a year of living with the corona pandemic, it would be silly to say nothing has changed; masks are now an essential part of leaving the house, we go to zoom calls rather than lectures, we call our friends rather than seeing them at the pub, etc, etc. With so much change happening in our everyday lives, so too have we seen changes happening to those things we may not consider ‘’everyday’’. Galleries and exhibition spaces have been shut for months putting a crippling strain on the creative world; not only on the artists or the gallery curators, but also us.

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The viewer, the consumer, those of us who pay to look and marvel at beautiful pieces of art in person. The art world is certainly changing and with this change has brought questions. We now have to consider how it is that we can safely consume art, to explore new artists and gallery spaces, and to feel at home in them. There have been many attempts to provide alternative attempts at delivering art, whether through exclusive virtual launch events or by allowing private viewings. However, these do not provide the open and welcoming atmosphere I personally enjoy the most whilst being at a gallery. As such we have had to find alternatives, one of the most notable I have personally discovered being the free, virtual gallery and exhibition space of Profile Gallery, founded by two University of York Alumni. 

Founded by Bethan Eleri Carrick and Grace Frazer, profile gallery provides a virtual gallery where up-and-coming artists can showcase their work. Responding to current youth culture in a digital age, Profile gallery works to offer early career artists, curators and art lovers a digitial art network. Giving you a virtual space to connect, share and discuss the process of art in the digital age. Profile gallery curates monthly exhibitions, provides guest residencies, and aims to stimulate creativity within and beyond the UK’s virtual art scene. Profile gallery offers the visitor the concept of ‘Spaces’ which are virtual art gallery spaces; imagine the Tate modern but in your laptop and without the bustle of London’s art scene.

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These ‘Spaces’ are curated by the extremely talented profile curation team who work hard to provide the visitor with unique virtual experiences. ‘Spaces’ play host to all manner of works by some of the most talented up and coming artists. Profile gallery works to provide an alternative way of viewing art where ‘Spaces’ works to recreate the atmosphere and experience of viewing art but also providing a unique angle and bringing a fresh take on the way we consume and experience art in general.

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By running exclusively online, Profile gallery offers the visitor an escape into the world of art, especially poignant now that we are in the third lockdown, with galleries still closed Profile gallery offers us an alternative way and provides us with the perfect answer to a very difficult situation. At the same time Profile gallery’s ‘Spaces’ concept asks us questions on the way we consume art; by offering a free, virtual experience, great art is no longer restricted to physical locations and as such great artists are able to exhibit their works on a worldwide network. 

If you are interested in exploring the galleries and seeing the incredible works yourself be sure to check out the profile gallery website: and check out their Instagram: 


Jean Nouvel’s Louvre Abu Dhabi: Rain of Light
