The Norman Rea Gallery: What’s It All About?

Firstly, what is the Norman Rea Gallery?

The Norman Rea Gallery is the only completely student-run campus-based gallery in the UK. This means that when we organise exhibitions we have to reach out to artists and arrange for their work to be sent, safely stored and returned completely by ourselves. These exhibitions are independent of the university, and so things like deciding where and how to exhibit art (as well as general gallery maintenance) is also down to us! 

Exhibitions aren’t the only things we organise, there are many more ways to get involved - with varying degrees of commitment. We’ve compiled a short list to advise and welcome you to give a go:

How can I get involved?

1. Attend exhibitions

For the coming academic year we have three big exhibitions planned. These each rotate around a different vein of the same encompassing theme, and involve artwork that reflects this, from artists all across the country. 

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Charlie Jeffery, at the ‘Represent York’ exhibition and fundraiser in May 2021.

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Charlie Jeffery, at the ‘Represent York’ exhibition and fundraiser in May 2021.

The dates for each exhibition will be published on our socials in the weeks beforehand so keep an eye out! The gallery space is on Campus West, situated in Derwent (right above Courtyard). We are open to all visitors, whether you attend the university or not. We invite you to come up, say hi and have a look around (for free, by the way!). There will always be a committee member manning the gallery space during an exhibition, who will be happy to chat to you about the art and gallery. 

Take insta pics, tag us on your social media! We love to hear your thoughts and feedback from the exhibitions. The first one of the year is ‘Norman Rave’ and will be held from October 4th - 22nd. It’s going to be huge so make sure you don’t miss it!

2. Write for the blog

Congratulations! If you’re reading this you’ve already made it as far as the gallery’s blog. Feel free to stop by for a bit, read a few of our latest posts. Articles are published every Monday, on a range of topics and artist highlights. 

Absolutely anyone can write for us in this space, we even encourage people who don’t study humanities to give us an interdisciplinary spin on things. All you need to do is contact the Head of Blog (which is for 2021/22), pitch your idea and she’ll tell you the rest. As long as it’s art-themed, we’ll take it. 

3. Student Spotlight

As a member, you will have the opportunity to submit your artwork to be featured on our social media platforms. Each week the committee will choose a student artist to be showcased. Your work can be anything artistic, and paint, singing, sculpture, music or even dance are welcome. Email to enter. 

4. Book Club 

Three of our committee members host a book club on themes of artistic writing, every three weeks. Each session will be half an hour long, held from 7:30-8:00pm in the gallery space. They will be advertised on social media. 

It is a non-commitment book club, where you can drop in and join us for a casual discussion about art and literature. You don’t need to be a humanities student to join us, it is a welcoming and open space and we would love to have you!

A virtual meeting of the book club over zoom, on the topic of Jennifer Clement’s ‘Widow Basquiat’, that took place in April 2021.

A virtual meeting of the book club over zoom, on the topic of Jennifer Clement’s ‘Widow Basquiat’, that took place in April 2021.

Next term’s sessions are:

  • 14th October: George Orwell and “Prevention of Literature”

  • 4th November: Linda Nochlin and “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?”

  • 25th November: Olivia Laing and “Skin Bags”

5. Collaborations and Events! 

Involved with another society? Keen to see two of your interests meet? Let us know and we can look into a crossover project or event between the two. A recent success was our Bob Ross painting afternoons, held in the gallery space alongside Art Society. 

Artists and their paintings, at one of the Bob Ross events in June 2021.

Artists and their paintings, at one of the Bob Ross events in June 2021.

No fear if your society isn’t already art-related, in fact we’re excited to make connections with different avenues of university life. Tell us your idea and Ava, our Events Organiser will get on the case. 

Having fun on campus at our bingo games evening in April 2021.

Having fun on campus at our bingo games evening in April 2021.

6. Participate in projects

Last year our members became involved in a project alongside the gallery’s ‘Represent York’ campaign in partnership with York Anti Racist Collective Society. This involved conducting interviews, writing articles, and creating / curating artwork for a zine that was sold to raise money towards the cause. We also had our ‘Perspective’ installation of colourful artwork across campus in an effort to rejuvenate the campus art scene during lockdown. 

Members of the gallery helping with the ‘Perspective’ Installation on campus, in February 2021.

Members of the gallery helping with the ‘Perspective’ Installation on campus, in February 2021.

These are examples of projects that our members can get involved in, with the opportunity to make connections and see changes in the way arts are regarded on campus. As a member, you’ll be added to an exclusive Facebook group and notified of these opportunities as and when they occur. 

7. Apply for a position on committee

In the distant future but still something to consider, current gallery committee members will act until the third term, when an election will be held to appoint new members to the positions. If you’re not in your final year and are interested in investing more commitment to the gallery then it's something to bear in mind!

Some of our current committee, installing the ‘What Were You Wearing’ exhibition in June 2021.

Some of our current committee, installing the ‘What Were You Wearing’ exhibition in June 2021.

The gallery is a vital part of university life, particularly as it is one of the biggest creative communities on offer. We welcome students from all backgrounds to become members of this gallery and society, and look forward to meeting you all!

Visit our website at: to learn more about us, and to read our blog. Check out @normanreagallery on Instagram and Facebook for events, info and updates!

Membership is £5 for the year, and can be purchased through YUSU, at:


Interview with Andrew Carstairs: Experimental Filmmaker


Everyone Wants a Bit of Basquiat