Khadija Cecile Niang - watercolour and installation artist.

Through my work, I aim to create a platform for the voices of black women, which I feel is now more important than ever.

“It’s Not Just Hair incorporates selected works from this exploration. This piece, which began as a way to reflect on my own personal relationship with my hair, has become a celebration of the bond between black women through their shared experience.”

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have created my piece in a virtual exhibition space. In an actual exhibition space, the sound piece would have been played out loud, the voices of the women depicted in the portraits dominating the space. My diptych Confession Salon/Bedroom Confession would have been shown alongside one another on flat screen TVs. The audience is invited to watch the individual videos and listen to the audio through headphones, creating an intimate experience between the audience and the piece.”

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