Nusra Nijimbere - textile artist.

Black Lives Matter is all day everyday.

“What would our everyday objects and patterns look like outside of colonised frames? I’m a cross disciplinary Burundi/British textiles artist investigating the way we carry and encounter our heritage in physical forms within a narrative of Diaspora. Operating within a third space can mean combining pre-established infrastructures with newly formed ideas and evaluating and questioning its purpose within a much larger social dialogue. when i'm creating this is where that 'hybridity' and 'otherness' is physically realised into something that can shift between categories of definition.”

“More than anything I just enjoy deconstructing and reconstructing, I think it speaks to the way the black diaspora have had to find ways to preserve our heritage and add to it. I want to see more blackness everywhere, I want to see what it can mean within architecture, product design, health care, all of the things that we encounter daily.”
