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Co Director (March 2020 - October 2020) - Faith I Weddle

Faith was the Co-Director alongside Senah Tuma. Through their involvement in the gallery since first year and both being History of Art students, they formed a friendship and after both being on the Norman Rea Gallery committee for a year, they realised they worked well together. They decided - due to the collaborative nature of a student run gallery - to be Co-Directors, combining the roles of both the Director and Vice Director. 

Together they have curated Up North, an exhibition which highlighted young Northern identity, CHANGE, which served as an illustration of racial injustices globally and led a successful fundraising campaign to provide financial stability for the future of the gallery.

Together they were passionate about giving members a voice, allowing members to make key decisions in the exhibition programme and events the gallery puts on. They believed that Norman Rea Gallery’s position as the only completely student run gallery on a university campus in the UK is really special, and enables us all to be creative and experiment! They wanted to encourage the gallery as an approachable platform for people to be creative.

Contact: @faithiweddle
Faith’s portfolio:



